Size |
- AB-0007: INA Bonding Configurations [obsolete]
18k |
- AB-0010: Limiting Characteristics of the IVA-05118 VGA
27k |
- AB-0013: SPICE models for the IAM-81 and IAM-82 Active Mixers
344k |
- AB-102: HPMX-5001 Demonstration Circuit Board
114k |
- [preliminary] AB-AW091599: A Low Current High Intercept Point Low Noise Amplifier for 1900 MHz using the ATF-38143 Low Noise PHEMT
145k |
- [preliminary] AB-MR121494: Extending the Frequency Range of the HPMX-2005
29k |
- [preliminary] AB-RLM020199: Designing with the MGA-72543 RFIC Amplifier / Bypass Switch
516k |
- [preliminary] AB-RLM020299: MGA-72543 Demonstration PCB
217k |
- AN 918: Pulse and Waveform Generation with Step Recovery Diodes [obsolete]
2881k |
- AN 922: Applications of PIN Diodes
252k |
- AN 923: Schottky Barrier Video Detectors
73k |
- AN 928: Ku Band Step Recovery Multipliers [obsolete]
769k |
- AN 929: Fast Switching PIN Diodes
90k |
- AN 944-1: Microwave Transistor Bias Considerations
903k |
- AN 956-1: The Criterion for the Tangential Sensitivity Measurement
60k |
- AN 956-3: Flicker Noise in Schottky Diodes
695k |
- AN 956-4: Schottky Diode Voltage Doubler
25k |
- AN 956-5: Dynamic Range Extension of Schottky Detectors
17k |
- AN 956-6: Temperature Dependence of Schottky Detector Voltage Sensitivity
36k |
- AN 957-1: Broadbanding the Shunt PIN Diode SPDT Switch
40k |
- AN 957-2: Reducing the Insertion Loss of a Shunt PIN Diode
16k |
- AN 957-3: Rectification Effects in PIN Attenuators
25k |
- AN 963: Impedance Matching Techniques for Mixers and Detectors
82k |
- AN 967: A Low Noise 4 GHz Transistor Amplifier Using the HXTR-6101 Silicon Bipolar Transistor [obsolete]
1279k |
- AN 969: The Zero Bias Schottky Detector Diode
252k |
- AN 970: A 6 GHz Amplifier Using the HFET-1101 GaAs FET [obsolete]
718k |
- AN 971: The HPND-4050 Beam Lead Mesa PIN in Shunt Applications
816k |
- AN 974: Die Attach and Bonding Techniques for Diodes and Transistors [obsolete]
- AN 976: Broadband Microstrip Mixer Design: The Butterfly Mixer
61k |
- AN 979: The Handling and Bonding of Beam Lead Devices Made Easy [obsolete]
916k |
- AN 983: Comb Generator Simplifies Multiplier Design [obsolete]
596k |
- AN 984: How to Get More Output Power From a Comb Generator Module with the Right Bias Resistor [obsolete]
429k |
- AN 985: Achieve High Isolation in Series Applications with the Low Capacitance
HPND-4005 Beam Lead PIN
879k |
- AN 986: Square Law and Linear Detection
26k |
- AN 987: Is Bias Current Necessary?
16k |
- AN 988: All Schottky Diodes Are Zero Bias Detectors
23k |
- AN 989: Step Recovery Diode Doubler [obsolete]
578k |
- AN 991: Harmonic Mixing with the HSCH-5500 Series Dual Diode
69k |
- AN 992: Beam Lead Attachment Methods
77k |
- AN 993: Beam Lead Device Bonding to Soft Substrates
35k |
- AN 993-1: Thermal Stress Relief in Beam Lead Diode Assembly
24k |
- AN 995: The Schottky Diode Mixer
42k |
- AN 997: A 2 GHz Balanced Mixer Using SOT-23 Surface Mount Schottky Diodes
305k |
- AN 999: GaAs MMIC Assembly and Handling Guidelines
57k |
- AN 1048: A Low Cost Surface Mount PIN Diode Pi Attenuator
74k |
- AN 1049: A Low Distortion PIN Diode Switch Using Surface Mount Devices
86k |
- AN 1050: Low Cost Surface Mount Power Limiters
2040k |
- AN 1052: A Low Cost, Surface Mount X Band Mixer
21k |
- AN 1054: Low Cost Frequency Multipliers Using SMT PIN Diodes
30k |
- AN 1055: Clock Recovery using Si MMICs
175k |
- AN 1064: Low Noise and Moderate Power Amplifiers Using the ATF-21186
2281k |
- AN 1067: An SPDT PIN Diode T/R Switch for PCN Applications
123k |
- AN 1069: Non-RF Applications for the Surface Mount Schottky Diode Pairs HSMS-2812 and HSMS-2822
31k |
- AN 1071: Battery Operation of the INA-03184
34k |
- AN 1072: Applications for the HSMP-3890 Surface Mount Switching PIN Diode
69k |
- AN 1076: Using the ATF-10236 in low noise amplifier applications in the UHF through 1.7 GHz frequency range
110k |
- AN 1083: IMFET Handling and Design Guidelines[obsolete]
56k |
- AN 1084: Two-Stage 800 - 1000 MHz Amplifier using the AT-41511 Silicon Bipolar Transistor
58k |
- AN 1085: 900 and 2400 MHz Amplifiers Using the AT-3 Series Low Noise Silicon Bipolar Transistors
137k |
- AN 1088: Designing the Virtual Battery
81k |
- AN 1089: Designing Detectors for RF/ID Tags
120k |
- AN 1090: The Zero Bias Schottky Diode Detector at Temperature Extremes - Problems and Solutions
80k |
- AN 1091: 1 and 2 Stage 10.7 to 12.7 GHz Amplifiers Using the ATF-36163 Low Noise PHEMT
88k |
- AN 1097: L and S Band Amplifiers Using the ATF-36163 Low Noise PHEMT
145k |
- AN 1116: Using the MGA-87563 GaAs MMIC Low Noise Amplifier Application in the 800 Through 2500 MHz Frequency Range
60k |
- AN 1124: Linear Models for Diode Surface Mount Packages
31k |
- AN 1126: Evaluation of Vector Modulator IC Performance
47k |
- AN 1128: L Band Amplifier Using the ATF-36077 Low Noise PHEMT
47k |
- AN 1129: Low Noise Amplifier for 2.3 GHz using the ATF-36077 Low Noise PHEMT
29k |
- AN 1131: Low Noise Amplifiers for 320 MHz and 850 MHz Using the AT-32063 Dual Transistor
71k |
- AN 1133: Low Noise Amplifiers for 5.7 GHz using the ATF-36077 Low Noise PHEMT
19k |
- AN 1136: Low Cost Mixer for the 10.7 to 12.8 GHz Direct Broadcast Satellite Market
41k |
- AN 1139: 950 to 2400 MHz IF Amplifier Using the INA-51063 and INA-54063
31k |
- AN 1145: Phase Locked Loop Frequency Synthesizer Demonstration Circuit Board
62k |
136k |
- AN 1147: Using the INA-12063 RFIC Amplifier for 2.4 GHz Applications
55k |
- AN 1156: Diode Detector Simulation using Hewlett-Packard EESOF ADS Software
31k |
- AN 1160: 1800 to 1900 MHz Amplifiers using the HBFP-0405 and HBFP-0420 Low Noise Silicon Bipolar Transistors
157k |
- AN 1161: 800 to 950 MHz Amplifiers using the HBFP-0405 and HBFP-0420 Low Noise Silicon Bipolar Transistors
208k |
- [preliminary] AN 1163: Compact HSMP-389V Transmit/Recieve Switch Design
38k |
- AN 1168: 1800 MHz Medium Power Amplifier using the HBFP-0450 Silicon Bipolar Transistor
67k |
- AN 1174: Low Noise Amplifiers for 1600 MHz and 1900 MHz Low Current Self-biased Applications using the ATF-35143 Low Noise PHEMT
62k |
- AN 1175: High Intercept Low Noise Amplifiers for 1500 MHz through 2500 MHz using the ATF-34143 Low Noise PHEMT
62k |
- AN-A001: Notes on Choke Network Design
596k |
- AN-A002: Design of a 4 GHz LNA for a TVRO Earth Station
81k |
- AN-A004R: Electrostatic Discharge Damage and Control
42k |
- AN-A005: Transistor Chip Use
24k |
- AN-A006: Mounting Considerations for Packaged Microwave Semiconductors
226k |
- AN-A007: 4 GHz Television Receive Only LNB Design
92k |
- AN-A008: Microwave Oscillator Design
62k |
- AN-A009: Direct Broadcast Satellite Systems
83k |
- AN-G001: ATF-13136 12 GHz Demonstration Amplifier [obsolete]
233k |
- AN-G002: ATF-10136 4 GHz Demonstration Amplifier
242k |
- AN-G003: MGA-64135 GaAs MMIC
89k |
- AN-G004: S-Band Low Noise Amplifiers ATF-10136, ATF-13284
99k |
- AN-G005: Active GaAs FET Mixers Using the ATF-10136, ATF-13736, and ATF-13484
716k |
- AN-G006: MGA-64135 GaAs MMIC as a Variable Gain Amplifier and Operation at Reduced Vdd
29k |
- AN-G007: MGS Series Monolithic GaAs Switches [obsolete]
110k |
- AN-M022: Installing TO-8 Oscillators
24k |
- AN-M024: Voltage Controlled Oscillators Evaluated for System Design
78k |
- AN-S001: Basic MODAMP MMIC Circuit Techniques
56k |
- AN-S002: MODAMP MMIC Nomenclature
15k |
- AN-S003: Biasing MODAMP MMICs
39k |
- AN-S004: A Broadband IF Amplifier Using MSA-0235 and MSA-0335 [obsolete]
329k |
- AN-S005: Using Hewlett Packard MSA Series Amplifiers as Frequency Converters
196k |
- AN-S006: Using External Feedback to Achieve Flat Gain with the MSA-0885
71k |
- AN-S007: Using the MSA-0520 and the MSA-1023 Medium Power MODAMP Silicon MMIC Amplifiers
57k |
- AN-S008: Designing with the MSA-9970
65k |
- AN-S009: MODAMP Silicon MMIC Chip Use [obsolete]
196k |
- AN-S010: A 5 GHz Bipolar Active Mixer
99k |
- AN-S011: Using Silicon MMIC Gain Blocks as Transimpedance Amplifiers
429k |
- AN-S012: MagIC Low Noise Amplifiers
69k |
- AN-S013: MagIC Active Mixers
94k |
- AN-S014: 750-1250 MHz VCO
793k |
- Digital Radio Module Overview
24k |
- IAM-91563 Data Sheet: 0.8-6 GHz 3V Downconverter
199k |
- MGA-81563 Data Sheet: 0.1 6 GHz 3V, 14 dBm Amplifier
136k |
- MGA-82563 Data Sheet: 0.1 6 GHz 3V, 17 dBm Amplifier
138k |
- MGA-83563 Data Sheet: 0.1 6 GHz 3V, 20 dBm Amplifier
208k |
- MGA-85563 Data Sheet: 0.9 6 GHz 3V Low Noise GaAs MMIC Amplifier
119k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #31: A 2-26.5 GHz Var. Gain Amp Using HMMC-5021/22/26 MMIC Components
37k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #34: HMMC-5021/5022/26 and HMMC-5027 TWA Environmental Data
26k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #35: HMMC-52006 Switch Driver with TTL Input
52k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #37: HMMC-1002 Attenuator: Attenuation Control
44k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #41: HMMC-5021/22/26 S-Parameter Performance as a Function of Bonding
13k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #42: MMICB Reliability
11k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #44: HMMC-1002 Attenuator: S-Parameters
30k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #45: HMMC-1002 Attenuator: Switching Speed Limitations
18k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #46: HMMC-5040 Reliability
15k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #47: HMMC-5021/22/26 2-26.5 GHz GaAs MMIC Distributed Amp Conversion
45k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #49: HMMC-5618 Power, Harmonics, IMD
67k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #50: HMMC-5040 as a 20-40 GHz Multiplier
49k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #51: PH9 Reliability
27k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #52: 1 Watt 17.7 GHz - 32 GHz Linear Power Amp
261k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #999: GaAS MMIC Assembly and Handling Guidelines
57k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #1053: Designing with HMMC-5021/22/26 and HMMC-5027 GaAs MMIC Amplifiers
85k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Product Note #001: HSCH-9401 Diode Model
11k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Product Note #002: HSCH-9161 Diode Model
12k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Product Note #003: HMMC-5040 and -5032 Demo
18k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Product Note #004: HMMC-5032 Intermodulation Distortion
40k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Product Note #005: HMMC-5032 Driven by a HMMC-5618
46k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Product Note #006: HMMC-5033 Intermodulation Distortion
32k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Product Note #010: HMMC-1002 50 GHz Attenuator 0-50 GHz Performance
38k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Product Note #012: HHSCH-9161 GaAs Detector Diode Sensitivity Measurements
55k |
- Non-SMT Diode Selection Guide
42k |
- Part to Market Quick Guide, ver 4.0
192k |
- Primer 1, HIGH FREQUENCY TRANSISTOR PRIMER SERIES: Silicon Bipolar Electrical Characteristics
57k |
- Primer 2, HIGH FREQUENCY TRANSISTOR PRIMER SERIES: Noise & S Parameter Characterization
61k |
74k |
228k |
63k |
54k |
- SMT Diode Selection Guide
22k |
- Surface Mount Schottky and PIN Diodes - Marketing Positioning
17k |
- Surface Mount Schottky Diodes Statistical Data
- Transistor Selection Guide
21k |
19k |
- Wireless Infrastructure Products Selection Guide [obsolete]
32k |