Millimeter Wave Amplifier ICs |
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Size |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #31: A 2-26.5 GHz Var. Gain Amp Using HMMC-5021/22/26 MMIC Components
37k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #34: HMMC-5021/5022/26 and HMMC-5027 TWA Environmental Data
26k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #41: HMMC-5021/22/26 S-Parameter Performance as a Function of Bonding
13k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #46: HMMC-5040 Reliability
15k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #47: HMMC-5021/22/26 2-26.5 GHz GaAs MMIC Distributed Amp Conversion
45k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #49: HMMC-5618 Power, Harmonics, IMD
67k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #50: HMMC-5040 as a 20-40 GHz Multiplier
49k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #52: 1 Watt 17.7 GHz - 32 GHz Linear Power Amp
261k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Applications Note #1053: Designing with HMMC-5021/22/26 and HMMC-5027 GaAs MMIC Amplifiers
85k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Product Note #003: HMMC-5040 and -5032 Demo
18k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Product Note #004: HMMC-5032 Intermodulation Distortion
40k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Product Note #005: HMMC-5032 Driven by a HMMC-5618
46k |
- [preliminary] MWTC Product Note #006: HMMC-5033 Intermodulation Distortion
32k |