MGA series |
[ top ] |
Size |
- [preliminary] AB-RLM020199: Designing with the MGA-72543 RFIC Amplifier / Bypass Switch
516k |
- [preliminary] AB-RLM020299: MGA-72543 Demonstration PCB
217k |
- AN 1116: Using the MGA-87563 GaAs MMIC Low Noise Amplifier Application in the 800 Through 2500 MHz Frequency Range
60k |
- AN-G003: MGA-64135 GaAs MMIC
89k |
- AN-G006: MGA-64135 GaAs MMIC as a Variable Gain Amplifier and Operation at Reduced Vdd
29k |
- MGA-81563 Data Sheet: 0.1 6 GHz 3V, 14 dBm Amplifier
136k |
- MGA-82563 Data Sheet: 0.1 6 GHz 3V, 17 dBm Amplifier
138k |
- MGA-83563 Data Sheet: 0.1 6 GHz 3V, 20 dBm Amplifier
208k |
- MGA-85563 Data Sheet: 0.9 6 GHz 3V Low Noise GaAs MMIC Amplifier
119k |
- Microwave Journal, Aug 90: The 2- to 6 GHz, 10 Block GaAs MMIC Amplifier: An Overall Design for a Low Cost Commercial Product
- RF Expo '93, Morkner: Practical Applications of a Low Cost Low Noise GaAs PHEMT MMIC for Commercial Markets - MGA86576
- MGA-8x563/IAM-91563 GaAs MMIC Reliability Data
32k |
MSA series |
[ top ] |
Size |
- AN-S001: Basic MODAMP MMIC Circuit Techniques
56k |
- AN-S002: MODAMP MMIC Nomenclature
15k |
- AN-S003: Biasing MODAMP MMICs
39k |
- AN-S004: A Broadband IF Amplifier Using MSA-0235 and MSA-0335 [obsolete]
329k |
- AN-S005: Using Hewlett Packard MSA Series Amplifiers as Frequency Converters
196k |
- AN-S006: Using External Feedback to Achieve Flat Gain with the MSA-0885
71k |
- AN-S007: Using the MSA-0520 and the MSA-1023 Medium Power MODAMP Silicon MMIC Amplifiers
57k |
- AN-S008: Designing with the MSA-9970
65k |
- AN-S009: MODAMP Silicon MMIC Chip Use [obsolete]
196k |
- MSA Series Reliability Information
66k |