Cellular/PCS and Paging Applications |
[ top ] |
Size |
- AN 1048: A Low Cost Surface Mount PIN Diode Pi Attenuator
74k |
- AN 1049: A Low Distortion PIN Diode Switch Using Surface Mount Devices
86k |
- AN 1064: Low Noise and Moderate Power Amplifiers Using the ATF-21186
2281k |
- AN 1067: An SPDT PIN Diode T/R Switch for PCN Applications
123k |
- AN 1072: Applications for the HSMP-3890 Surface Mount Switching PIN Diode
69k |
- AN 1090: The Zero Bias Schottky Diode Detector at Temperature Extremes - Problems and Solutions
80k |
- AN 1116: Using the MGA-87563 GaAs MMIC Low Noise Amplifier Application in the 800 Through 2500 MHz Frequency Range
60k |
- AN 1126: Evaluation of Vector Modulator IC Performance
47k |
- AN 1131: Low Noise Amplifiers for 320 MHz and 850 MHz Using the AT-32063 Dual Transistor
71k |
ISM Applications |
[ top ] |
Size |
- AN 1064: Low Noise and Moderate Power Amplifiers Using the ATF-21186
2281k |
- AN 1076: Using the ATF-10236 in low noise amplifier applications in the UHF through 1.7 GHz frequency range
110k |
- AN 1084: Two-Stage 800 - 1000 MHz Amplifier using the AT-41511 Silicon Bipolar Transistor
58k |
- AN 1085: 900 and 2400 MHz Amplifiers Using the AT-3 Series Low Noise Silicon Bipolar Transistors
137k |
- AN 1116: Using the MGA-87563 GaAs MMIC Low Noise Amplifier Application in the 800 Through 2500 MHz Frequency Range
60k |
- AN 1129: Low Noise Amplifier for 2.3 GHz using the ATF-36077 Low Noise PHEMT
29k |
- AN 1133: Low Noise Amplifiers for 5.7 GHz using the ATF-36077 Low Noise PHEMT
19k |
- AN 1147: Using the INA-12063 RFIC Amplifier for 2.4 GHz Applications
55k |
- AN-G005: Active GaAs FET Mixers Using the ATF-10136, ATF-13736, and ATF-13484
716k |
- AN-S014: 750-1250 MHz VCO
793k |
TV Distribution |
[ top ] |
Size |
- AN 1091: 1 and 2 Stage 10.7 to 12.7 GHz Amplifiers Using the ATF-36163 Low Noise PHEMT
88k |
- AN 1136: Low Cost Mixer for the 10.7 to 12.8 GHz Direct Broadcast Satellite Market
41k |
- AN 1139: 950 to 2400 MHz IF Amplifier Using the INA-51063 and INA-54063
31k |
- AN-A002: Design of a 4 GHz LNA for a TVRO Earth Station
770k |
- AN-A007: 4 GHz Television Receive Only LNB Design
698k |
- AN-A009: Direct Broadcast Satellite Systems
959k |
- AN-G001: ATF-13136 12 GHz Demonstration Amplifier [obsolete]
233k |
- AN-G002: ATF-10136 4 GHz Demonstration Amplifier
242k |