data sheet
>75 dB RSSI range |
Internal data slicer; 0.3V max logic "0", Vccx-0.3V min logic "1" |
Total supply current |
RX mode: | 27 mA max, 21 mA typ |
PLL mode: | 20 mA max, 16 mA typ |
TX flywheel mode: | 11.5 mA max, 9 mA typ |
Standby mode: | 100 microamps max |
Mixer power gain from IP1 to IF1, external load impedance of 600 ohms: 8 dB typ |
On-chip LO generation, including VCO, prescalers, and phase/frequency detector |
Supports reference crystal frequencies of 9, 12, and 16 times the DECT bit rate of 1.152 MHz |
IF input frequency range up to 250 MHz |
Applications Literature | [ top ] |
The following literature archives contain information that may make use of this product easier: |
Demonstration Circuit Boards | [ top ] |
The following demonstration circuits may aid in the evaluation of this product: |