data sheet
Transmit mode spec's |
Receive mode spec's |
other |
Tx current: 64 mA @ 3V |
Rx current: 43 mA @ 3V |
multiple power saving operating modes |
Pout: +2 dBm at 1.9 GHz |
conversion gain: 14 dB |
carrier to noise ratio: 137 dBc/Hz |
noise figure: 10 dB |
VCO frequency range: 750 - 1200 MHz |
LO suppression: 25 dBc |
Input IP3: -9 dBm |
output VSWR: 1.8:1 |
LO leakage: -57 dBm |
input VSWR: 1.3:1 |
Applications Literature | [ top ] |
The following literature archives contain information that may make use of this product easier: |
Demonstration Circuit Boards | [ top ] |
The following demonstration circuits may aid in the evaluation of this product: |