Agilent Technologies supplies:
Discrete devices for use in the receive unit.
reduces receiver dynamic range to prevent saturation in regions with high signal levels.
HSMP-3862 as low current attenuator.
receives satellite signal; provides amplification
[50 to 900 MHz depending on system; unconditionally stable; NF <3 dB and relatively immune to input mismatch; 1 V operation]
AT-32063 dual transistor as cascode LNA
AT-320, AT-310, AT-305, HBFP-0420, HBFP-0405.
downconverts input signal to IF
[1 V operation]
AT-305, AT-310, AT-320, HBFP-0420, HBFP-0405 as active mixer.
amplifies IF signal
[1 V operation]
AT-320, AT-310, AT-305, HBFP-0420, HBFP-0405 as CE gain stage.
provides signal for downconversion to IF
[1 V operation]
AT-305, AT-310, AT-320, , HBFP-0420, HBFP-0405 as oscillator.