Collision Avoidance RADAR
Agilent Technologies supplies:
sources, mixers, amplifiers and detectors.
RADAR Millimeter Wave Source |
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creates mmW signal
ATF-36xxx 150 GHz fmax, 100 GHz ft PHEMTs
ATF-13xxx 100 GHz fmax 40 GHz ft GaAs FETs will work well for the 10.5 GHz systems
RADAR Millimeter Wave Mixer |
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downconverts signal from mmW to RF
HSCH-9201 Schottky diode series pair for balanced mixers
HSCH-9251 Schottky diode anti-parallel pair for subharmonic LO mixers
HSMS-820x will work well as the mixer for the 10.5 GHz systems
Amplifies intermediate frequency signal for further processing
transistors: AT-415xx and AT-320xx
ICs: MSA, INA, and MGA series gain blocks, especially MGA-865xx and MGA-875xx
downconverts signal from RF to baseband
HSMS-280x and HSMS-820x
ICs: IAM series
RADAR RF Local Oscillator |
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Provides RF frequency LO for RF Mixer
AT-415xx and AT-320xx Transistors
Converts mmW signal to DC output
HSCH-9161 GaAs beamlead Schottky diode