The following file can be copied for use in frequency domain simulators. Highlight the text between the horizontal rules by dragging you mouse over it, then copy to the clipboard (in most browsers, do this using the Edit pull down menu or enter CTRL+C).
!S-PARAMETERS at Vce=8V Ic=35mA. LAST UPDATED 07-21-92
# ghz s ma r 50
.0001 .34 -0.1 60 179.9 .00001 86 .999 0
.001 .34 -1.2 60 179.5 .0001 89 .999 -0.3
.01 .34 -11.8 60 175.5 .001 87 .998 -3
0.1 .50 -88 45.64 135 .008 68 .77 -22
0.5 .52 -164 13.24 92 .023 57 .45 -25
1.0 .53 174 6.75 76 .039 63 .42 -26
1.5 .53 160 4.55 64 .053 66 .41 -30
2.0 .55 148 3.45 53 .069 65 .41 -36
2.5 .57 142 2.81 47 .084 67 .39 -40
3.0 .59 134 2.37 37 .101 64 .38 -49
3.5 .60 125 2.06 27 .120 61 .39 -61
4.0 .60 116 1.81 17 .141 57 .41 -71
4.5 .60 104 1.62 7 .158 50 .43 -78
5.0 .61 92 1.47 -2 .179 45 .44 -84
5.5 .64 79 1.35 -13 .198 37 .43 -91
6.0 .69 70 1.21 -23 .219 30 .38 -102