The following file can be copied for use in frequency domain simulators. Highlight the text between the horizontal rules by dragging you mouse over it, then copy to the clipboard (in most browsers, do this using the Edit pull down menu or enter CTRL+C).
!S-PARAMETERS at Vce=2.7V Ic=2mA. LAST UPDATED 05-29-98
# ghz s ma r 50
0.5 0.647 -82 4.702 119 0.063 52 0.808 -21
0.75 0.532 -111 3.691 101 0.074 46 0.737 -24
1.0 0.455 -134 3.000 88 0.081 46 0.696 -27
1.5 0.394 -171 2.162 68 0.095 52 0.658 -33
2.0 0.382 160 1.707 51 0.119 59 0.643 -40
3.0 0.397 116 1.240 26 0.210 61 0.627 -59
4.0 0.434 80 1.004 5 0.344 50 0.604 -81
5.0 0.474 50 0.871 -10 0.498 32 0.556 -108
6.0 0.497 30 0.812 -23 0.643 11 0.470 -142
7.0 0.501 15 0.805 -36 0.759 -12 0.377 174
8.0 0.512 4 0.804 -51 0.819 -34 0.361 123
9.0 0.532 -9 0.796 -67 0.831 -55 0.411 82
10.0 0.569 -22 0.767 -83 0.808 -74 0.476 52
11.0 0.643 -32 0.762 -97 0.758 -93 0.562 27
12.0 0.687 -40 0.668 -112 0.700 -107 0.639 1
0.9 1.2 0.35 100 0.17
1.8 1.6 0.48 -179 0.07
2.0 1.7 0.51 -165 0.07
2.5 1.9 0.60 -136 0.18
3.0 2.2 0.65 -112 0.42
3.5 2.5 0.70 -91 0.84
4.0 2.9 0.74 -74 1.44