The following file can be copied for use in frequency domain simulators. Highlight the text between the horizontal rules by dragging you mouse over it, then copy to the clipboard (in most browsers, do this using the Edit pull down menu or enter CTRL+C).
!Vd=7V LAST UPDATED 07-01-94
# ghz s ma r 50
0.50 0.56 -21 6.42 50 0.004 -15 0.621 -32
1.00 0.53 -31 10.91 21 0.002 17 0.504 -42
1.50 0.52 -44 13.81 -6 0.003 62 0.448 -50
2.00 0.49 -59 15.83 -30 0.004 85 0.411 -60
2.50 0.46 -75 16.99 -53 0.007 96 0.376 -71
3.00 0.42 -94 17.67 -76 0.010 98 0.342 -83
3.50 0.36 -114 17.48 -99 0.013 97 0.293 -95
4.00 0.29 -135 16.55 -121 0.017 94 0.247 -107
4.50 0.22 -158 15.03 -142 0.020 91 0.197 -118
5.00 0.16 178 13.45 -160 0.023 88 0.156 -125
5.50 0.12 150 11.88 -177 0.027 85 0.125 -130
6.00 0.08 114 10.72 168 0.031 83 0.084 -110
6.50 0.08 77 9.58 151 0.034 77 0.082 -139
7.00 0.07 68 8.19 139 0.036 75 0.101 -116
7.50 0.06 42 7.31 128 0.040 73 0.070 -112
8.00 0.06 21 6.61 117 0.044 71 0.087 -109
8.50 0.06 -3 6.02 106 0.048 69 0.084 -99
9.00 0.07 -34 5.57 96 0.053 66 0.108 -99
9.50 0.07 -62 5.18 86 0.058 63 0.121 -105
10.00 0.07 -84 4.84 76 0.063 59 0.120 -113