The following file can be copied for use in frequency domain simulators. Highlight the text between the horizontal rules by dragging you mouse over it, then copy to the clipboard (in most browsers, do this using the Edit pull down menu or enter CTRL+C).
!S-PARAMETERS at Vds=4V Id=40mA. LAST UPDATED 01-29-99
# ghz s ma r 50
0.5 0.95 -40 11.973 151 0.030 68 0.33 -39
0.8 0.89 -65 11.252 135 0.042 56 0.27 -63
1.0 0.85 -82 10.217 123 0.051 48 0.26 -80
1.5 0.78 -109 8.405 104 0.064 36 0.24 -109
1.8 0.73 -131 7.024 87 0.074 27 0.22 -131
2.0 0.70 -150 6.002 73 0.081 19 0.21 -150
2.5 0.67 -167 5.223 61 0.087 12 0.20 -167
3.0 0.64 162 4.141 37 0.098 -1 0.19 165
4.0 0.63 135 3.428 16 0.108 -13 0.20 138
5.0 0.64 111 2.923 -6 0.117 -27 0.21 111
6.0 0.66 87 2.506 -26 0.124 -41 0.24 86
7.0 0.69 65 2.173 -46 0.130 -54 0.29 63
8.0 0.72 47 1.894 -65 0.134 -68 0.34 42
9.0 0.76 28 1.689 -85 0.141 -82 0.38 26
10.0 0.78 9 1.501 -104 0.145 -97 0.42 8
11.0 0.80 -11 1.317 -124 0.145 -113 0.47 -11
12.0 0.84 -29 1.125 -143 0.140 -128 0.53 -29
13.0 0.86 -44 0.966 -160 0.133 -141 0.58 -43
14.0 0.87 -56 0.853 -176 0.130 -152 0.62 -58
15.0 0.86 -72 0.759 167 0.131 -165 0.65 -71
16.0 0.86 -88 0.666 151 0.130 -180 0.68 -86
17.0 0.89 -102 0.563 134 0.119 168 0.71 -103
18.0 0.89 -102 0.563 134 0.119 168 0.71 -103
0.5 0.10 0.87 13 0.16
0.9 0.13 0.82 27 0.14
1.0 0.14 0.80 31 0.13
1.5 0.17 0.73 49 0.11
1.8 0.20 0.70 60 0.10
2.0 0.22 0.66 67 0.09
2.5 0.28 0.60 85 0.07
3.0 0.34 0.54 104 0.05
4.0 0.45 0.45 142 0.03
5.0 0.57 0.40 180 0.03
6.0 0.69 0.38 -144 0.05
7.0 0.81 0.39 -111 0.11
8.0 0.94 0.43 -82 0.20
9.0 1.06 0.51 -57 0.32
10.0 1.19 0.62 -40 0.47