The following file can be copied for use in frequency domain simulators. Highlight the text between the horizontal rules by dragging you mouse over it, then copy to the clipboard (in most browsers, do this using the Edit pull down menu or enter CTRL+C).
!S-PARAMETERS at Vds=3V Id=20mA. LAST UPDATED 01-29-99
# ghz s ma r 50
0.5 0.96 -37 10.079 153 0.035 68 0.40 -35
0.8 0.91 -60 9.642 137 0.050 56 0.34 -56
1.0 0.87 -76 8.867 126 0.061 48 0.32 -71
1.5 0.81 -104 7.443 106 0.077 34 0.29 -98
1.8 0.78 -115 6.843 98 0.083 28 0.28 -110
2.0 0.75 -126 6.306 90 0.088 23 0.26 -120
2.5 0.72 -145 5.438 75 0.095 15 0.25 -140
3.0 0.69 -162 4.762 62 0.102 7 0.23 -156
4.0 0.65 166 3.806 38 0.111 -8 0.22 174
5.0 0.64 139 3.165 16 0.119 -21 0.22 146
6.0 0.65 114 2.706 -5 0.125 -35 0.23 118
7.0 0.66 89 2.326 -27 0.129 -49 0.25 91
8.0 0.69 67 2.017 -47 0.133 -62 0.29 67
9.0 0.72 48 1.758 -66 0.135 -75 0.34 46
10.0 0.75 30 1.568 -86 0.140 -88 0.39 28
11.0 0.77 10 1.393 -105 0.142 -103 0.43 10
12.0 0.80 -10 1.222 -126 0.142 -118 0.47 -10
13.0 0.83 -29 1.045 -145 0.135 -133 0.53 -28
14.0 0.85 -44 0.895 -161 0.128 -145 0.58 -42
15.0 0.86 -55 0.789 -177 0.124 -156 0.62 -57
16.0 0.85 -72 0.701 166 0.124 -168 0.65 -70
17.0 0.85 -88 0.615 149 0.125 177 0.68 -85
18.0 0.88 -101 0.518 133 0.113 165 0.71 -103
0.5 0.10 0.90 13 0.16
0.9 0.11 0.85 27 0.14
1.0 0.11 0.84 31 0.13
1.5 0.14 0.77 48 0.11
1.8 0.17 0.74 57 0.10
2.0 0.19 0.71 66 0.09
2.5 0.23 0.65 83 0.07
3.0 0.29 0.59 102 0.06
4.0 0.42 0.51 138 0.03
5.0 0.54 0.45 174 0.03
6.0 0.67 0.42 -151 0.05
7.0 0.79 0.42 -118 0.10
8.0 0.92 0.45 -88 0.18
9.0 1.04 0.51 -63 0.30
10.0 1.16 0.61 -43 0.46