The following file can be copied for use in frequency domain simulators. Highlight the text between the horizontal rules by dragging you mouse over it, then copy to the clipboard (in most browsers, do this using the Edit pull down menu or enter CTRL+C).
!S-PARAMETERS at Vds=2V Id=10mA. LAST UPDATED 01-30-98
# ghz s ma r 50
0.5 0.961 -25 3.599 157 0.051 71 0.376 -25
1.0 0.910 -49 3.388 137 0.096 57 0.360 -50
1.5 0.851 -73 3.149 118 0.131 43 0.339 -73
2.0 0.794 -95 2.906 100 0.158 31 0.314 -95
2.5 0.743 -118 2.671 83 0.177 19 0.291 -118
3.0 0.694 -139 2.429 67 0.188 9 0.272 -143
3.5 0.659 -160 2.201 52 0.193 -1 0.270 -169
4.0 0.643 180 1.989 37 0.193 -9 0.290 167
4.5 0.643 161 1.789 24 0.191 -17 0.324 148
5.0 0.658 143 1.606 11 0.185 -24 0.367 133
5.5 0.682 128 1.438 -1 0.179 -29 0.410 121
6.0 0.707 115 1.286 -12 0.172 -34 0.453 111
6.5 0.735 104 1.155 -23 0.167 -38 0.490 102
7.0 0.758 95 1.038 -33 0.162 -41 0.526 94
7.5 0.780 86 0.934 -42 0.159 -44 0.559 85
8.0 0.801 77 0.842 -51 0.157 -47 0.595 78
0.5 0.37 0.95 11 1.738
1.0 0.41 0.89 25 0.819
1.5 0.45 0.84 42 0.553
2.0 0.49 0.79 60 0.387
2.5 0.53 0.74 79 0.265
3.0 0.57 0.71 100 0.179
3.5 0.61 0.68 120 0.111
4.0 0.65 0.66 142 0.057
4.5 0.69 0.64 162 0.028
5.0 0.73 0.65 -175 0.021
5.5 0.77 0.68 -155 0.042
6.0 0.81 0.73 -139 0.095
6.5 0.85 0.77 -123 0.202
7.0 0.89 0.81 -111 0.362
7.5 0.93 0.84 -98 0.596
8.0 0.97 0.86 -88 0.873